Gary Joe Mitchell? Focused To Succeed?

         GARY JOE MITCHELL? Is there a way possible that some psycho like me could actually be focused enough to succeed in today’s music industry w/ so much competition, at such a late stage in my life? Many will say “No way” …I have doubts at times, myself.. But w/o doubt, what would drive me to become successful? And w/o questioning myself, I would have to be an egotistical, self centered individual, thinking I am better than the family of artists that surrounds me, that I associate with on a daily basis…not to mention my friends and family that I deal w/ in everyday life. Without them, I have nothing. Nothing to write about, no one to encourage and believe in me or to love and be understanding of my , at times, suicidal, out of control behavior that I do not necessarily apologize for, but rather that I have to cope w/ on a daily basis every day of my life. Some people think I need help. No, that is not the answer at this point in my life. There is no doctor or counselor who could “fix me” by the time my life comes to an end. What I need, is what I already have. A “FAMILY” of caring, loving, understanding, giving, & supportive individuals who BELIEVE IN ME. And who support my causes that I intend to promote using the tools that come along w/ success as I  take yet one more step towards my lifelong dream as I reach for that final destination that I now can see clearly in sight. Besides, w/o my imperfections, what would I be?. Not the artist that I would want to see or to be. What I create, I feel deeply & emotionally inside of me. Being no different than most any other human being that exists, I know that what I have dealt w/ on a daily basis for the most part of my adult life is not isolated and my passion for love and respect for all individuals, as brothers and sisters, and the SHARING of EVERYTHING w/ EVERYONE around us, REGARDLESS OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, or SEXUAL ORIENTATION, drives me more now than ever to stay focused, stand firm in my beliefs, be prepared for opposition, never faltering, willing to FIGHT FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD & RIGHT. Yes. Gary Joe Mitchell is fully capable of remaining focused in order to fulfill his dream. I write this on the eve before embarking on my 2nd album tomorrow, February 8th 2014 in Dallas, Texas @ Dang! Studios. I write it because I, for the very 1st time in my life, am truly focused on what lies at hand tomorrow, knowing that tomorrow leads to what lies ahead for me as an artist in the future, as I continue to produce music and promote what is fair and right for all mankind on this, our planet ” EARTH”. gjm                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CIGgary